"Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through another's eyes for an instant?"
Henry David Thoreau
Her name was Elizabeth G. She was 91 years old. Her eyes were so bright. I embraced her and wished for the love of God to surround her. I kissed her cheek and kissed her smooth hands that had once been paralyzed. You couldn't guess by the shine in her eyes that her blessed life had been fraught with difficulty. She recounted the miracle that she had experienced once upon a time ago at the church of St. Anne de Beaupre.
"I was blind and God gave me sight."
She looked at me with those eyes; it pierced my soul. "I was blind and God made me see."
I said goodbye and asked her to pray for me. She kissed my face and kissed my hands.
She gave me sight to see, right here before me was a life lived for God Almighty,
a life that was completely and gloriously free.